Monday 26 March 2012


If you are having a hard time enjoying life and feeling good with who you are there is one thing you need to do: stop waiting to be happy until you get the perfect job or a better loving relationship or a bigger house or whatever it is that you are waiting for. You will never find happiness outside of you, that will only lead to disappointment. You have to be feel happy now. 

Happiness is a state of mind and not a goal in life. If you don't change your state of mind first, your life will never change.

If you keep your attention on the things that are missing in your life, you will keep attracting the lack of them. But if you focus on what makes you feel good, more things that make you feel that way will manifest.
Start feeling gratitude for what you already have and you will witness the miracle of life: once you realize that happiness only depends on your thoughts and emotions, you will gain absolute control over your life and the things you have been waiting for will manifest into your reality effortlessly and unexpectedly.


The first thing you need to do to reach this state of consciousness is to get in contact with your Higher Self. The Higher Self is the real you, your total soul consciousness. It is the true essence that has accompanied you incarnation after incarnation and the one that knows everything about you and the universe. It has your instruction manual and knows your true mission on Earth.
If you want to get to know this real you than you have to observe life very carefully. Look at every choice you make and where it takes you and try to make sense of every event that happens into your life. Remember, there are no accidents or coincidences but just synchronicities. Everything has been carefully orchestrated by a divine cosmic plan. Once you'll realize that and learn to read the signals you will flow through life like a river.


Learn to accept the bad things in life knowing that they are also part of the divine plan. Due to our duality, we can either see things as good or bad. However, we have to understand that all things come for a reason: to give us an experience that will make us learn in order for us to complete our evolutionary process on Earth.
Try to understand the reason behind your bad luck, you will realize that everything happens for your own good.

You have to let go of your idea of identity based on your past, that will only make you feel as a victim, which in turn will bring more events that will make you feel that way. Do not hold your attention on the past and always live in the present moment enjoying every single second of your existence. If you are walking, keep your attention on walking, be present in your mind and observe you emotions and thoughts. If you do this every moment of your life you will soon be one with the divine presence of your Higher Self and nothing will cause you anger or frustration ever again.
Do not even think of the future, that will only bring worry. Why would you want to worry yourself for problems that didn't even happen yet? Just live in the present without expectations of the future and all will be well.
There is no past nor future, only our perception of time ticking. The only real moment that exists is the now.


You might have disappointed yourself a lot in the past but if you let go of past events and start to accept yourself now, you will soon witness a big change in your life.
Do not compare yourself to others, when you do that, you are denying your uniqueness and authenticity. You are all that you have got and you can't change that, so the only thing you need to do is embrace all your qualities and imperfections and find your unique purpose in life, that one thing that makes you special.


When I was little I often heard the line "first duty, then beauty" which my parents repeated to me constantly in order to get me to do things I didn't like. I have always tried to live accordingly to it until I realized that was not the way I wanted to live.
After my spiritual awakening I decided that from that moment on I would never do things I didn't like and that it is how my life started to change completely.
When we do something that pleases us we raise our vibration and start attracting things at a much faster rate than normal, and as we feel happy and pleased we can only attract things that are pleasant.
This is also I how I discovered my life purpose. After removing the things I didn't like, such as a daily job that wasn't leading me nowhere, I found myself with plenty of time to fill with the things I have always loved to do and this is how I started writing to help people with their lives. 
I do not have a regular income as before, but the quality of my life has improved exponentially and money manifests in different ways whenever I need it.


The only way to reach success in life is to do things with love, care and attention. Whenever you put all of yourself into something and you are proud and happy of the outcome, results will come for sure because of your inner belief that your work is worthy.
Other people will also start feeling interested in what you do even if they won't be aware of the exact reason why the appreciate it. That is the power of attraction.
This is why doing things you love is so important.
Remember, if you love something than you believe in it, and when you believe it deep enough it will become true. This is a universal law.
So, never invest in something just for the sake of it because you will undoubtedly fail.


According to the universal law of giving and receiving, whatever you put out, you get back, so if you want people to be kind to you, be kind to them. 
If you are experiencing problems in your relationship, remember that the main cause is you. Change your attitude towards people and start acting as you would like them to act and witness the change. Remember, the world is our mirror so you have to be the change you want to see in the world.


Did you know that our body is made of two parts? The dense physical and the subtle physical. The dense physical is made of matter and I'm pretty sure no explanation is required for this one. The second part is made of subtle matter which consists in radiation of light and it is the structure for consciousness.
The etheric part of the human body forms the basis for the dense physical part.

The etheric body is formed with more than 72000 energy tubes which run across the whole body, starting from the top of the head.
It is the main source for our existence and all our actions.
It receives cosmic energy in deep sleep and meditation, when the mind is not obstructed by thoughts. 

When we don't get enough inflow of cosmic energy, the tubes get depleted causing etheric patches in the body that will gradually lead to desease.
The root CAUSE for all DESEASE, in fact, is the LACK of COSMIC ENERGY.

We can therefore realize the importance of meditation. When we meditate, we get abundant cosmic energy that heals and cleanses the patches. 
This is why sometimes when we meditate we can feel some sort of pressure on the top of our head. We are, at that point, under the shower of cosmic energy.
We might also get itching sensations or pain in our bodies during meditation, that is the energy flow healing the depleted tubes.

All spiritual practice is aimed at gaining awareness of our etheric body and shifting emphasis from the physical and material plane to the spiritual and etheric one, or rather from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge.
This is also the aim of our evolutionary process, and there is no better time than this to embrace spiritual practice in order to find out our new essence. As I said in my previous post ("21 December 2012: What will happen?") thanks to the new energy of the Age of Aquarius as we get close to December 21st, it is getting easier every day to experience a spiritual awakening.

Thursday 22 March 2012


Meditation is the most important tool we have to get perfect knowledge of ourselves and the Universe. It allows us to understand cosmic energy and realize that the real world is not the one we see with our eyes but it's the universe that is within us. 
Cosmic energy is everywhere and constitutes the bond between each single thing in the cosmos. It is the life source. 
We receive some amount of it in deep sleep which we use for the activities of the mind, like the 5 senses and for all actions of the body. Sometimes, though, the energy we absorb during sleep is not sufficient and this is the cause of mental and physical stress and illnesses.
The only solution to heal the body and mind is to get greater amounts of energy through meditation. 
Without enough cosmic energy no life can be happy and no consciousness can expand.
Meditation helps us achieve much greater heights in the physical realm too. It can make you happy, wealthy and it will get you to anywhere you want to be.

We shouldn't really be following any guidelines in meditation, there is no right or wrong way to achieve relaxation of the body and mind. However, sometimes it might be hard to do it on your own without the knowledge of what meditation is and what you can achieve with it. 
So here are a few suggestions that helped me achieve a much deeper state while meditating and really made me understand what meditation is all about.

Sit anywhere you feel comfortable. The posture needs to be comfortable and stable. It is better to meditate with crossed legs and clasped fingers, in this way, the energy forms circles around our body which make a more stable energy field.
Close your eyes and just be silent.

The purpose of meditation is to observe the breath. Don't try to force your breathing tough, just witness your normal way of inhaling and exhaling. Observation is the nature of the Higher-Self so this is just what you need to do.
You will notice that it is almost impossible to keep all your attention on the breath at first. As thoughts constantly arise and distract you. Don't try to stop thinking, as that is impossible. Just observe your thought and then go back to your breathing. Do this every time you get distracted by thoughts.
With time and patience, they will start to diminish and breath will become shorter. Eventually, it will become just a flash between the eyebrows.
This is the meditative state, or the NO-THOUGHT state.
In this state, you will be under the shower of cosmic energy.

If you understand me rightly, meditation is nothing but an effort to look at reality without the mind — because that is the only way to look at reality. If the mind is there it distorts, it corrupts. Drop the mind and see reality — direct, immediate, face to face. And there is no problem. Reality has never created any problem for anybody. I am here, you are also here — I don’t see a single problem. – Osho  
Meditation, perhaps, is the only alchemy that can transform a beggar into an emperor. – Osho  
 Meditation is the highest form of activity a man can perform - Paramhansa Yogananda

Wednesday 14 March 2012



Is the end of the world approaching like many people are claiming? NO. 
2012 is going to be the beginning of a new era, an era of change and transformation. It has happened many times before and while it may be a mystery to our civilization, we can still go back to the past and revisit our old ancestors who, strangely enough, have much more answers than we do.
Many ancient cultures that were unrelated to each other and belonged to different parts of the planet had predicted this event and warned us of its importance.
On 21 December 2012 a Galactic alignment will occur. It is an event that happens every 26000 years and consists of an alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This in turn is caused by the precession of the equinoxes.
For somebody who doesn't have a clue about astrology, just like I do, it is a very difficult concept to understand so will summarize it with a picture.

Prior to 2012 our Solar System has been drifting on top of the Milky Way. On December 21st it will reach the centre of the galaxy forming an X with the galactic equator where gravity is the strongest. From there, we will start passing through the bottom of the galaxy.

This transition will also indicate that we passed from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

Please note that these astrological events will cause consequences on our consciousness causing a spiritual awakening.
Due to an immense quantity of light that will affect earth from space, the electro-magnetism of  our planet will change completely. This, in turn, will affect our consciousness in a whole new way.
There is a theory stating that on December 21st the Earth will duplicate, much like a cell in reproduction creating two identical planets that will be invisible to each other.
One will be a planet torn under the power of the New World Order and the other will be the famous "Heaven on Earth".
The fact that they are invisible to each other signifies that the new Earth will belong to a new dimension that will only be visible by people who have spiritually advanced. We are proceeding into the 4th dimension as a natural process of our evolution.
Only the people who have raised their consciousness and elevated their vibration will be part of the new planet, the others will continue their lives in the chaos of the old earth without even realizing what has happened. 

The Mayan prophecy supports this transition. The end of the cycle of their calendar was not about destruction but renewal. In the prophecy the end of the cycle is represented by a deity in the creation which exemplifies vain egoism and controls and deceives humanity up to 2012. This is just what it's happening on our planet right now, with world leaders enslaving and deceiving humanity to keep it stuck in the evolution process by making it unconscious and limited.


The secret to prepare ourselves for this event and proceed to the next level of evolution is not to fear what is going to happen. Once you realize that this event was caused by our collective consciousness because of our need to awaken spiritually, you will easily acknowledge everything that comes along your way as a gift from to God. Just learn to accept anything, good or bad, as something that needs to happen for your own good.

You are now creating your reality all the time. Thanks to the energy that is already at our disposal it is now possible to create our reality much faster than it was in the past. So, if you fear the end of the world, catastrophes and destruction, that is just what you are going to get because you will create that reality for yourself. 
Don't waste time thinking of what will happen, just try to be in the presence of your Higher Self and learn to listen to Him. Meditate, pray, do things that make you whatever you need to do to feel closer to your true essence because the more you acknowledge it, the more it will be present in your life.
When you'll be able to feel and witness the true power of what's inside you, you don't have to do or fear anything: just stay relaxed and let it guide you effortlessly to where exactly you need to be.
2012 will be something different for each one of us. It is up to us if it will look like the end of the world or heaven so be careful about your thoughts and just LOVE and be GRATEFUL.
Our souls have waiting thousands and thousands of years to be here in this moment. You are the one that has been chosen, don't waste this opportunity.

Monday 12 March 2012


This is a speech performed by Charlie Chaplin in "The Great Dictator". 
Although it was released in 1940, it gives a perfect image of our modern society controlled by "unnatural men" with "machine minds and machine hearts" where human beings " think too much and feel too little". 
"The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way" This is exactly what has happened! But we can turn the situation around, he warns us, only when we will recognize that "the Kingdom of God is inside man".
If every single one of us would really, truly listen to these words and act upon them, the world would indeed be free and beautiful.
To quote another genius of our century :"Be the change you want to see in the world". M. Gandhi

I'm sorry but I don't want to be an Emperor, that's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that. We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone.
The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way.
Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate;
has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.
We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in:
machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.
Our knowledge has made us cynical,
our cleverness hard and unkind.
We think too much and feel too little:
More than machinery we need humanity;
More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.
Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair".
The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long as men die [now] liberty will never perish. . .
Soldiers: don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you as cattle, as cannon fodder.
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don't hate, only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers: don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty.
In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written:
"The kingdom of God is within man"
Not one man, nor a group of men, but in all men; in you, the people.
You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy let's use that power, let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.
Soldiers! In the name of democracy, let us all unite!
. . .
Look up! Look up! The clouds are lifting, the sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world. A kind new world where men will rise above their hate and brutality.
The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow, into the light of hope, into the future, that glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us. Look up. Look up.


Whether we are aware of it or not the whole of humanity has been robbed of its own evolution and is currently living a reality that was purposely created in order to keep it enslaved.
If you've never realized this, or even worse, you're laughing at this claim, that there's A LOT of stuff you need to know about the world you live in!

Those who have never questioned the real nature of reality and have never awakened to the enslavement of humanity will probably reject this information immediately. This is perfectly normal, it's the way our mind works: whenever we face a concept that is not in harmony with our subconscious beliefs we feel threatened and react by refuting it in every possible way.
And, if this is your case, it is not a coincidence that you are holding beliefs that are contrary to what I am telling you know, who do you think implanted those beliefs in your subconscious mind in the first place...see? This is how your mind has been programmed.
The sooner you will realize this, the faster you can awaken to reality and learn to free your mind, body and soul and live a happy and fearless life.

As many of us already know, humanity has been controlled for centuries by a world elite that has passed on its control and knowledge from generation to generation. (Why do you think most of the U.S. presidents were related? And why do royal family member always marry other royals? It's to preserve the bloodline!)
I don't want to get too much into detail on who these people are, there are many different conspiracy theories out there.
Nevertheless they are organized in secret societies called Freemasonry or Masonry which have different grades or levels of power.
Their aim is to keep humanity in a state of trance and fear in which they are mentally controlled so that they can continue with their biggest project, the one that they have been waiting for for so long, a New World Order ("Novus Ordo Seclorum" as illustrated in the Dollar note).

These people have perfect knowledge of our nature as human beings. They know all our limitations and all our strengths (unlike us!). This is what allows them to take control.
They have kept us unaware of our real essence and power and succeeded into making us think that we are just puppets guided by fate in an unjust and cruel society. 

This is actually the real reason why I chose to write this blog.
I really want people to open their eyes on what's going on. We have been hypnotised! We see horrible things that are happening to our planet and its inhabitants, our brothers and sisters, and we do not react at all. We just watch and commiserate them. Because this is what we have been trained to do.
I want people to awaken to their true potential and fight for the liberation of humanity and the salvation of our planet.

It is really important to know, at this point, that society is just a reflection of what is going on on the human minds.
We are all part of an interconnected system that isn't only physical and, on a bigger scale, humanity functions as a single living being.
We can consider ourselves like individual living cells forming a bigger organism called Humanity which feeds off our thoughts and intentions.
If humanity is just a by-product of our thinking, then why is there so much destruction, selfishness, hate, war, hunger, and so on?
Because we have been trained to think wrongly! They perfectly knew that programming our minds in such a way would have brought us to divide and become weak.
They knew that in order to do this they have to target our EGO. The ego is the part of us that sees us separate from everyone and everything. It is a shattered being constantly in war with itself. If we don't learn to transcend the ego, humanity will never continue its evolution process and will always be kept enslaved. 

The main technique of mind control of the modern society is television. 

When a person watches TV, they go into an alpha brain wave state, in which they are more suggestible than normal.  Have you ever noticed the glazed expression on the face of a person who has been watching TV for any length of time? This is from being in a prolonged alpha state, and a semi dissociative state (and this is for people who HAVE NOT been raised with mind control). 
As I explained in my previous post, in this state the subconscious mind absorbs any concept or idea that comes from the television screen and holds it as true without even questioning it. 

Here is my advice: TURN IT OFF!!!! 
Why do you need to watch all those terrible news (most of which are fake anyway!), that just keep you in a state of constant fear and prevent you from living a healthy and happy life. The purpose of TV is just to program you and keep you mentally get rid of it and invest time in your life instead!

Here are other subliminal messages:

Here little Alice played by Virginia Davis is seductively stroking her genitals in front of Walt sitting at his table. Besides promoting occultism, materialism, violence, promiscuity and paedophilia Disney have been doing this subliminal manipulation from the very beginning. 

Dust particles spell "sex" in The Lion King.

Fallic shape in The Little Mermaid

In this Australian ad from the 80s the ice cubes conceal multiply words SEX and an image of a female profile with a wide open mouth leaning towards an erected male member. This one is pretty hard to deny, so the company's excuse was " bad joke by the designer".

The word sex is written hundreds of times all over the image. I've highlighted some of the embeds just to give you a clue where to look. Also look at the shadow on her right thigh - it was doctored to look like a huge spiky cock with scrotum.

One of the main purposes of this mass control is to make us concerned with material life.
This is a trap and if we follow it we will never be happy. The secret to happiness is to understand that it is only the spirit that truly exist, and the spirit is our consciousness. We are not a body with a soul but a SOUL WITH A BODY: we are being of energy but we are being deceived by our perception senses which make us think that we are only what we see. WE ARE MUCH MORE THAN THAT and we can only be happy by spiritual means.

If you want to see the whole truth of how we are being controlled and manipulated here is the best documentary I found on-line. It even promotes new ways of healing and gives a perfect scientific explanation of what kind of beings we really are.

This will definitely open you eyes and improve your life.


Friday 9 March 2012


It is no longer a mystery that the source of all wealth, health and happiness comes only and EXCLUSIVELY from the human mind. 
This has been a secret for quite a long time..but it's now available to everybody. (Thanks internet!)
It is in fact very easy to bump across websites whose content is filled with things like "The law of attraction", "Subliminal messages","Positive affirmations","Visualization","Meditation", and so on..

I have been trying to gather as much information as I could from these websites in the last few years. At first I couldn't believe that the secret to happiness and abundance could be so easily available to each one of us. 
I developed kind of an obsession. I decided that if this was really true than it would definitely be worth giving it a try. And the more I did, the more I convinced myself that it was true.
In just one year it helped me change my life completely and although there's a lot of room for improvement, I feel like my life at the moment is quite similar to the one of my dreams.
So lately I have been wondering....why isn't everybody doing the same thing??
Why are people not interested to know how our mind works? Why aren't they looking harder and deeper into this to find the answers to all their problems? Why aren't people talking about this discovery all the time?? Why is it not taught in school? 

Learning what the human mind is and what it can achieve should be the priority of every single person on earth. 
Eventually we all want the same things: a happy life, a healthy body, the company of family and friends and  financial security. 
I WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE ANY DREAMS there are only two things you need to learn:

-how your mind works and what parts does it consists of,
-how to reprogram your subconscious through thought control.

You are just a few steps away from attracting all the things you ever wanted in your life. The only things you will need are commitment and a strong will-power. Don't think it's an easy task, it will require time..but it's going to be the best time of your life.


The conscious mind only represents a mere 12% of the total mind's capacity, and can only be concerned with one single thought at a time. 

The conscious mind is mainly active when we are awake and is responsible for our decision making processes, or rationalisation and analysis.  It decides what action we will take, often based upon past subconscious experiences, and constantly re-assesses a situation to ensure that the correct action has been taken.
The conscious mind has no memory capacity, and therefore only deals with the 'here and now' situation.
When we go into a trance (such as watching TV), whether induced as part of hypnosis, or as a natural process, our conscious mind is not really needed and becomes dormant.  It operates in a similar way to an auto-pilot on an aircraft - should anything happen that requires the conscious mind to reawaken, it will do so immediately.


The subconscious mind takes up the remaining 88% of our brain's capacity, and could be compared to a massive computer system that stores all of the information regarding our location, situation, feelings etc. It holds the memory of every moment of your life.
The subconscious never judges, analyses, or rationalizes; it simply accepts all information presented to it. Whilst in a trance state, the subconscious mind will accept any suggestion it receives without question. Children are mostly subconscious mind until the age of 9 or 10 when their conscious minds begin to fully develop.  All the information taken in by children are stored and neatly organized within their subconscious minds where the information (and the correlative thoughts and feelings they have about the information) becomes the foundation for the belief systems they will carry with them as adults.


The superconscious mind is a wide open topic. It's actual location in the human body has not even been validated by scientific research as of yet. However we have a lot of clues that it may be somewhere between the heart and the brain.

We all have mental access to it, and it's the part of the mind that connects everyone and everything.
It is the energetic source of power for our creations, where intuition and creativity come from.
The power of the superconscious mind has been hinted at in all major (and minor) world religions.

Do you understand now the reason why you can never make enough money, or find the right love, or whatever it is that just doesn't seem to work in your life?
You can try as much as you want but you will never get anywhere if you don't change your subconscious beliefs first. 


What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind will achieve Napoleon Hill

The best way to change a belief is through positive affirmations and visualization. Repetitive affirmation is essential, the more you repeat an affirmation the more your subconscious mind will consider it as true and will use it in the creation of your reality. So if you want to attract more money just repeat "money flows to me constantly" many times a day, for many days, for months if you have to, but I can assure you that sooner or later, it will become true. It's a universal law!
Visualization is important because our subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination.
With proper visualization techniques you can implant imagined scenarios in your mind to effect permanent change.
To give an example, if you wanted to stop procrastination simply practice visualizing yourself doing various tasks through to completion.
After 21 to 30 days of practising mentally using visualization techniques, you have successfully created a new “habit.”
Pretty much anything you choose to change about yourself can be changed. The only limitations to changing are old beliefs telling you change is not possible.
Remember, the more you fight for a belief, the more you own it. In other words, the more you resist your inherent ability to change and grow, the more you stay the same.



The Secret of Creation is Emotion, it's the birthing process. All emotion is energy.
The very act of feeling moves and shapes the universal substance. Only when your thought is turned into feeling will your subconscious mind work upon subjective reality and substantiate idea.
As long as there is intense emotion whether positive or negative, you can create what you want. Realize that you can use not only the desirable emotions but also undesirable emotions to create or affect reality. A burst of emotional energy such as frustration or disgust can pull a manifestation into happening. But of course it would be much better to use desirable emotions to create on the long run. Negative energy may have repercussions, but positive energy is pure and complete.

Whenever you want to achieve something, affirm it many times, visualize it but most of all, try to feel like you have already brought it into reality and FEEL THE HAPPINESS!! If you send out happiness, you will receive more of it and you will  make the process of creation much faster.

Never say that you "can't have/ can't do something". 
For example, if you say " I can't ride a bicycle" then you never will because you are telling your subconscious that it is not possible and that's the reality it will create.
NEVER focus on negative things, remember that you are what you focus your attention on, so if you concentrate on lack, that's what you will attract into your reality.
Don't let fear in your life, EVER! Fear is just an illusion of your mind (I will talk about this in detail on another post) so you have to eliminate it completely in order to reach your goals.
Think positive at all times and you'll never create obstacles along your path.



It's really that simple!! And it always works...for everybody! It's a universal law.
Now you have no excuse to go back to your life and feel a victim. You have the power to achieve everything you ever wanted!!! Just believe, keep your mind calm and let the subconscious mind lead you to your dreams.