Monday, 12 March 2012


Whether we are aware of it or not the whole of humanity has been robbed of its own evolution and is currently living a reality that was purposely created in order to keep it enslaved.
If you've never realized this, or even worse, you're laughing at this claim, that there's A LOT of stuff you need to know about the world you live in!

Those who have never questioned the real nature of reality and have never awakened to the enslavement of humanity will probably reject this information immediately. This is perfectly normal, it's the way our mind works: whenever we face a concept that is not in harmony with our subconscious beliefs we feel threatened and react by refuting it in every possible way.
And, if this is your case, it is not a coincidence that you are holding beliefs that are contrary to what I am telling you know, who do you think implanted those beliefs in your subconscious mind in the first place...see? This is how your mind has been programmed.
The sooner you will realize this, the faster you can awaken to reality and learn to free your mind, body and soul and live a happy and fearless life.

As many of us already know, humanity has been controlled for centuries by a world elite that has passed on its control and knowledge from generation to generation. (Why do you think most of the U.S. presidents were related? And why do royal family member always marry other royals? It's to preserve the bloodline!)
I don't want to get too much into detail on who these people are, there are many different conspiracy theories out there.
Nevertheless they are organized in secret societies called Freemasonry or Masonry which have different grades or levels of power.
Their aim is to keep humanity in a state of trance and fear in which they are mentally controlled so that they can continue with their biggest project, the one that they have been waiting for for so long, a New World Order ("Novus Ordo Seclorum" as illustrated in the Dollar note).

These people have perfect knowledge of our nature as human beings. They know all our limitations and all our strengths (unlike us!). This is what allows them to take control.
They have kept us unaware of our real essence and power and succeeded into making us think that we are just puppets guided by fate in an unjust and cruel society. 

This is actually the real reason why I chose to write this blog.
I really want people to open their eyes on what's going on. We have been hypnotised! We see horrible things that are happening to our planet and its inhabitants, our brothers and sisters, and we do not react at all. We just watch and commiserate them. Because this is what we have been trained to do.
I want people to awaken to their true potential and fight for the liberation of humanity and the salvation of our planet.

It is really important to know, at this point, that society is just a reflection of what is going on on the human minds.
We are all part of an interconnected system that isn't only physical and, on a bigger scale, humanity functions as a single living being.
We can consider ourselves like individual living cells forming a bigger organism called Humanity which feeds off our thoughts and intentions.
If humanity is just a by-product of our thinking, then why is there so much destruction, selfishness, hate, war, hunger, and so on?
Because we have been trained to think wrongly! They perfectly knew that programming our minds in such a way would have brought us to divide and become weak.
They knew that in order to do this they have to target our EGO. The ego is the part of us that sees us separate from everyone and everything. It is a shattered being constantly in war with itself. If we don't learn to transcend the ego, humanity will never continue its evolution process and will always be kept enslaved. 

The main technique of mind control of the modern society is television. 

When a person watches TV, they go into an alpha brain wave state, in which they are more suggestible than normal.  Have you ever noticed the glazed expression on the face of a person who has been watching TV for any length of time? This is from being in a prolonged alpha state, and a semi dissociative state (and this is for people who HAVE NOT been raised with mind control). 
As I explained in my previous post, in this state the subconscious mind absorbs any concept or idea that comes from the television screen and holds it as true without even questioning it. 

Here is my advice: TURN IT OFF!!!! 
Why do you need to watch all those terrible news (most of which are fake anyway!), that just keep you in a state of constant fear and prevent you from living a healthy and happy life. The purpose of TV is just to program you and keep you mentally get rid of it and invest time in your life instead!

Here are other subliminal messages:

Here little Alice played by Virginia Davis is seductively stroking her genitals in front of Walt sitting at his table. Besides promoting occultism, materialism, violence, promiscuity and paedophilia Disney have been doing this subliminal manipulation from the very beginning. 

Dust particles spell "sex" in The Lion King.

Fallic shape in The Little Mermaid

In this Australian ad from the 80s the ice cubes conceal multiply words SEX and an image of a female profile with a wide open mouth leaning towards an erected male member. This one is pretty hard to deny, so the company's excuse was " bad joke by the designer".

The word sex is written hundreds of times all over the image. I've highlighted some of the embeds just to give you a clue where to look. Also look at the shadow on her right thigh - it was doctored to look like a huge spiky cock with scrotum.

One of the main purposes of this mass control is to make us concerned with material life.
This is a trap and if we follow it we will never be happy. The secret to happiness is to understand that it is only the spirit that truly exist, and the spirit is our consciousness. We are not a body with a soul but a SOUL WITH A BODY: we are being of energy but we are being deceived by our perception senses which make us think that we are only what we see. WE ARE MUCH MORE THAN THAT and we can only be happy by spiritual means.

If you want to see the whole truth of how we are being controlled and manipulated here is the best documentary I found on-line. It even promotes new ways of healing and gives a perfect scientific explanation of what kind of beings we really are.

This will definitely open you eyes and improve your life.


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