Thursday, 22 March 2012


Meditation is the most important tool we have to get perfect knowledge of ourselves and the Universe. It allows us to understand cosmic energy and realize that the real world is not the one we see with our eyes but it's the universe that is within us. 
Cosmic energy is everywhere and constitutes the bond between each single thing in the cosmos. It is the life source. 
We receive some amount of it in deep sleep which we use for the activities of the mind, like the 5 senses and for all actions of the body. Sometimes, though, the energy we absorb during sleep is not sufficient and this is the cause of mental and physical stress and illnesses.
The only solution to heal the body and mind is to get greater amounts of energy through meditation. 
Without enough cosmic energy no life can be happy and no consciousness can expand.
Meditation helps us achieve much greater heights in the physical realm too. It can make you happy, wealthy and it will get you to anywhere you want to be.

We shouldn't really be following any guidelines in meditation, there is no right or wrong way to achieve relaxation of the body and mind. However, sometimes it might be hard to do it on your own without the knowledge of what meditation is and what you can achieve with it. 
So here are a few suggestions that helped me achieve a much deeper state while meditating and really made me understand what meditation is all about.

Sit anywhere you feel comfortable. The posture needs to be comfortable and stable. It is better to meditate with crossed legs and clasped fingers, in this way, the energy forms circles around our body which make a more stable energy field.
Close your eyes and just be silent.

The purpose of meditation is to observe the breath. Don't try to force your breathing tough, just witness your normal way of inhaling and exhaling. Observation is the nature of the Higher-Self so this is just what you need to do.
You will notice that it is almost impossible to keep all your attention on the breath at first. As thoughts constantly arise and distract you. Don't try to stop thinking, as that is impossible. Just observe your thought and then go back to your breathing. Do this every time you get distracted by thoughts.
With time and patience, they will start to diminish and breath will become shorter. Eventually, it will become just a flash between the eyebrows.
This is the meditative state, or the NO-THOUGHT state.
In this state, you will be under the shower of cosmic energy.

If you understand me rightly, meditation is nothing but an effort to look at reality without the mind — because that is the only way to look at reality. If the mind is there it distorts, it corrupts. Drop the mind and see reality — direct, immediate, face to face. And there is no problem. Reality has never created any problem for anybody. I am here, you are also here — I don’t see a single problem. – Osho  
Meditation, perhaps, is the only alchemy that can transform a beggar into an emperor. – Osho  
 Meditation is the highest form of activity a man can perform - Paramhansa Yogananda

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